Nevada-ko Ilargi Betea, Nere Hatz Punten Artean

Bai, atzo gauean, San Francisco-tik bueltatzen, Sacramento hain juxtu pasata, hor zegoen geldirik, zelatari: Ilargi Betea. Pinudien artean, hor geldi, eta argitsu. Oso argitsu. Zuri-zuria. Handi-handia.
Bakarrik nihoan kotxean. Eta goiko lehiatila deskapotablea zabaldu nuen, hotz egiten bazuen ere. Eta hor zegoen, goian, deskapotablearen goiko partetik sartzen zen.
Out of the blue, Joshua Tree-ko basamortukoa otu zitzaidan egitea berriro…erokeri txikia, neurtua, as usual: Argiak itzaltzea. Bai, kotxeko argiak itzaltzea (!).
(Ez, ez nago erotua, frogatua zegoen. Eta berriro sentsazio bera izan nahi nuen).
Eta egin nuen.
Oh!!! Izugarria.
Nevada-ko Ilargi Beteak argitzen zuen guztia. Mendilerroa ere ikustea zegoen.
Eta orduan,
altsatu nuen eskubiko eskua…
eta hor…
Nere Hatz Punten Artean
hartu nuen.


«Ani Difranco» Live Tucson-Arizona (USA) 26/June/2008.

First time I met Ani Difranco I was no more than 21. Just  last years at the university.  And she was kind of american anti-folk artist. I said, «what do they mean with anti-folk?». And since then, I imagined her as the other side of pop-star heroin, Madonna. They do not have nothing to do, honestly. But, in my women group thipologies, Björk and Marylim and maybe Ani Difranco and Madonna. Both of them are just very strong woman with a «musical management» orientation. Each one her likings and extremely different life styles. But at the end, strong and really powerful women. Good!
Anyway, Ani. Yes, I was very eager to see Ani in States. I always imagined this kind of venue and gig. Everybody following her songs, singing and shouting. Right! And the long driving from Nevada to Arizona, crossing really huge piece of desserts, has been really hard  under 109ºF.
And just arriving at Tucson, a really hurricane and thunderstorm in the highway. Just a prologue of Ani’s gig.
Really shy but powerful gig. (Just what I wanted to proof. The strength of this woman on the state. Really, sweet but angry and powerful most of the time. Without stopping from song to song.)
And as I said before, I think I wouldn’t really want seeing her in any other venue: Rialto Theatre was really good. Really linked to the kind of gig and artist, Ani is in fact. A american road songwriter.
(The instrumentists…3. 2 guys and one girl. I loved the girl, the drummer. And the guys, upright bass and vibrophone, very shy but loyal to the songs and the frontwoman artist. It was quite balanced team. And really perfection on the stage. No mistakes or anything like that.)
Good Ani. I saw you at the end.
And, I saw you in the venue and location I had to see you.
Not other one.
I will imagine you, and remind your power, wherever I will go to.
Tucson-Arizona (USA)

«Death Cab for Cutie» Live Berkeley-California (USA) 21/June/2008″

Now, I could understand how a band from Seattle in the first impression it didn’t impress me a lot.
you know, the place always counts. (In our Basque City, Hondarribi,
Getxo,…Why? Because tend to self-develop the liking with the same
kind of people, affinity, web 2.0. and 3.0. and so on. -Maybe this is
just a comment more for The othere side. But this
way, the circle just closes.-)
What I want to tell is that band did impress me a lot. Each member of
the group in his position: Bass player (really good man) and the
drumer, really good technique. With this rythmical bases, guitars and
vocals can surf easily and make good tunes.
*Specially: I will posses your heart. Really amazing.

Let’s listen.

Redvic Bar, Haight-Ashbury Street. San Francisco-California, 21nd June 2008.