«Death Cab for Cutie» Live Berkeley-California (USA) 21/June/2008″

Now, I could understand how a band from Seattle in the first impression it didn’t impress me a lot.
you know, the place always counts. (In our Basque City, Hondarribi,
Getxo,…Why? Because tend to self-develop the liking with the same
kind of people, affinity, web 2.0. and 3.0. and so on. -Maybe this is
just a comment more for www.igorcalzada.com The othere side. But this
way, the circle just closes.-)
What I want to tell is that band did impress me a lot. Each member of
the group in his position: Bass player (really good man) and the
drumer, really good technique. With this rythmical bases, guitars and
vocals can surf easily and make good tunes.
*Specially: I will posses your heart. Really amazing.

Let’s listen.

Redvic Bar, Haight-Ashbury Street. San Francisco-California, 21nd June 2008.

«Thievery Corporation» Live. San Francisco (USA) 20/June/2008″

Now, I can understand one day I discovered this electronic mixture couple-band: Thievery Corporation.
Nowadays, saying that someone discovered Thievery Corporation as a band is just a big stupidity. Basically due to you can bump into them anywhere. They are in Loreak Mendian, in any airport, of course in any kind of lounge-style pub or bar…EVERYWHERE.
But mean I was seeing the gig in a really huge and open greek theatre, I realized that the first electronical band I recognize and integrated in my «very important bands» category was Thievery Corporation.
Each vocalist for each song. A really cultural mixture, with India, Marokko, Brasil, Bronx,…in some music tracks. Really a colourful, unique piece and dance encouraged music gig.
And Greek Theatre a really wonderful venue. (Very soon Sigur Ros! I cannot miss it). 😉

17th JULY 2008: Bukowski (Donostia-SS) Homecoming LIVE gig from Nevada (USA).

Handik bueltan, bideen berri emateko, kontzertua, etxean berriz.
Next gig in july, a sort of homecoming from there. C u there.
Ya en camino, de vuelta de allí, nos vemos en el Bukowski.

Camino ya a / On the road to Nevada (USA)/ra bidean

Hurrengo berriak jada handik.
Next updates from there.
Cierro el ciclo aquí, para seguir ya las actualizaciones desde allí.

Eskertuko nahi nuke ziklo hau behin bukatuta (19th April 2007 Ernest Lluch-29 th April 2008 Nevada-USA) oso gertu izan dudan jende guzti hori. Zuek gabe hau ez litzateke posible izango hemen. Hara eramango zaituztet guztiak ere:
Aitziber, Harkaitz, Isma, Galinche, Arantza, Azpi, James, Rup, (Iban, Santos, GH,…), lagunak kuadrila.