«The Joshua Tree» Dessert. South California. (USA)

It is really hot. 114 Fº. Dessert.
I am listening this really
amazing record that I bought in Frudisk record shop in Donostia
(nowadays desappeared). I was 11 years old. And 22 years after, I am
coming and playing in the white car…all those tunes: Bullet the Blue
Sky, In God’s Country, Running to Stand Still and Where Streets Have No
To be honest, I’ve started thinking every tune needs to be
listened in the place that has been created. The sensation is more
powerful and real. And this dessert is gorgeous.
Thousand and thousand of Joshua Trees, anywhere.
And really hot.
But not hard. (Strange isn’t it?)
I cannot stand with so hot weather. But I can be here.
And I will go again to the «Dessert Sky, in the God’s Country.»
Let’s try. I am going. Follow me.
«Bullet the Blue Sky»«Running to Stand Still»

«Where streets have no name»

«In God’s Country»

C u soon, again.

FasTFatum and The Joshua Tree: 33th Birthday.

Yes, I reached to the 33 years. After 22 years that I first listened «The Joshua Tree», just when I was 11 years old. Today is my birthday, I have waken up at 6am, listening one song, «In God’s Country». I would really dream, running to stand still or singing I still haven’t found what I looking for. Just with the feeling and with the essence of this child thought. Not more. Because maybe it’s fair enough, just thinking we could drive and get to be somewhere «In God’s Country». I will drive to there, slowly. Now Slow Fatum has just started.
Akordatzen naiz, 11 urterekin, goizean goiz zoriontzeko deitu didan nere amak, ez zuela ulertzen diska beltz (jada ikutu eta zaharkitua, nere home-diskotekan) horren inguruan orduak eta orduak ematea, entzuten. Mapetan ez dauden koordenatara eramaten ninduten ni. Leku, lasai eta zabaletara. Eta beti geratzen nintzen pentsatzen nolakoa izango ote zen, jeans jakaz jantzita argazkietan osotasun bat osatuz, agertzen ziren lau tipo dublindar horiek, Anton Corbijn argazkilari maixuak diska islatu zuen, «jainkoen herrialdea» hura.
Eta gaur, 33 urte. Azkenean.
Joshua Tree eta Joshuaren urteak. 33 urte, duela 22, 11 urte.
Koordenada matematikoak, akaso. Norberak, bere fatum-a bizkar gainean, iritsi behar duen lekura heltzeko. (Eta ere akordatzen naiz, kantu gogor eta apokaliptikoarekin: «Exit». Ez neurea. u2ena, jakina).
Koordenadak, Joshua Tree-ra.

33th Zorionak/Happy birthday FasTFatum!